
What time do your Sunday services and classes begin:
Beginning on Sunday, September 3rd, we will move to back to TWO services at 8:30 AM and 11 AM.

How do I find the church?

To get to our physical address, plug 119 US Hwy 15/501 S, Chapel Hill into Google Maps. We are adjacent to the entrance to Southern Village.

What if I want to Zoom?

What about my children?

We offer Nursery for the 8:30am and 11 AM worship services as well during the 9:45am Fellowship & Formation Hour. Atrium for children ages 3 (by August 31st, 2023) to 6th grade will meet at 9:45am and go until just after the sermon at the 11:00am service when all children join their families for Eucharist. To help the children and catechists with a smooth arrival, children kindly are encouraged to arrive at 9:45am or 11:00am but are welcome to join us anytime.

What should I bring to the service?

To participate in the service, use a physical copy of the Book of Common Prayer (2019) or the online PDF version. Physical copies of the Prayer Book will be available to borrow on Sunday mornings.

How should I dress?

Please dress comfortably but appropriately for worship.

For more information about Sunday mornings, contact Kellan Borror.